Jun 27, 2013

"Beat the Heat" While Tent Camping

Camping is a great time for family and friends to gather around the campfire and share stories and enjoy delicious campfire desserts next to a nice warm fire on those cool crisp nights... Well, we can look forward to those times in further months ahead. Just as we prepare for the cooler months ahead we also need to be ready when the temps bring unfavorable conditions, such as triple digit HEAT! Here are a few tips for Tent Camping in the heat.

1) Location, Location, Location: Look for shady areas to pitch your tent. Then make use use of your compass to strategically pitch your tent towards the east. Also, try to find spots where there is trees, a hill, or any other sun blockade that can give you shade while you are sleeping or during the hottest part of the day.

2)Consider the direction of the wind as well: Find out which way the wind blows. Pitch your tent in a way that the wind blows directly into the mesh windows. Switch the location or position of the tent if you notice that the wind direction alters. This is very important if your tent only has a little mesh on it. But if it is purely made of mesh, don't worry about the positioning. For a back up plan pack a battery operated fan, just in case...

3) Open and air out your tent: In the early morning when temps outside are still cool open your windows and doors to expose the screens. This will keep your tent from becoming stuffy and uncomfortable. Some tents have roof vents built in for ventilation which is a nice feature. Throughout the day close the tent in any area the sun is directly beating on and open the sides facing shaded areas. By keeping this process going until sundown, your tent will keep much cooler temperatures during extreme heat conditions.

4) Have a good quality, Screen Tent: In triple digit heat there can be lots of bugs, so a screen room is a wonderful item to have. A Screen Tent will allow you to sit outside with plenty of fresh air without the bugs! A Screen Tent with no-see-um mesh is a good feature to look for so the smallest bugs can't get through. The Turbo Screen Machine is quick and can be easily set up over a picnic table, or our newest Malamoo MOZ Screen Tent is perfect for 1 person, can be used on the ground or fastened to the King Goanna Stretcher

5)Did you know if you wear lighter colored clothing keeps you cooler: light-colored clothing if you're in the sun. Dark clothing absorbs heat. Light-colored clothing can help keep you cool by reflecting the sun's rays.

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